
Your Treatment Guide to Polynucleotides

By Florence Goulbourne

To grow a successful aesthetics business, it’s vital that you stay up to date with the latest technology and advancements from the world of aesthetics. This will ensure you can always offer your clients the latest and best treatments available. One such product making waves in the world of injectables is polynucleotides.

This blog will act as a comprehensive guide to polynucleotides for practitioners. With their rapid surge in popularity, we’re exploring your common queries such as ‘What are polynucleotides?’, ‘What are polynucleotide benefits?’, and ‘What do polynucleotides do?’ to provide you with all the information you need before offering these cutting-edge injectables.

What Are Polynucleotides?

Polynucleotide treatments, commonly referred to as salmon sperm facials, are the hottest topic of the aesthetic industry at the moment and with their rapid surge in popularity, it’s essential to understand what these restorative injectables are. But what are polynucleotides, and how can they help resolve your clients’ top concerns?

In the world of aesthetics, polynucleotides are known as the future of regenerative injectables and are hailed for their ability to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin. Although similar to skin boosters, polynucleotide injectables are separated and well-recognised for their complex structures and ability to rejuvenate the skin with natural-looking results. However, unlike skin boosters, injectable polynucleotides are also renowned for their wound-healing and bio-stimulating properties.

What Do Polynucleotides Do?

Polynucleotide injectables employ filtered, ultra-purified, and sterilised fractions of DNA, which are capable of rejuvenating the skin. Predominantly derived from salmon or trout DNA, polynucleotides are designed to stimulate fibroblasts, promoting tissue repair, enhancing cell turnover, increasing elasticity, and stimulating collagen production. Additionally, they can soothe inflammation and restore the balance of melanocyte activity (skin pigmentation), resulting in a more even and refreshed skin tone without adding the volume associated with products like dermal fillers.

Also frequently known as PN or PDRN, polynucleotides are categorised as a regenerative treatment to revitalise the skin on a deeper level. These injectables provide DNA molecules that encourage the skin to repair itself and promote various immediate and long-term skin-boosting benefits. This exciting advancement in regenerative medicine focuses on restoring normal cellular function by repairing the skin at a deeper level.

What Are the Best Polynucleotides?

As the regenerative injectables sector continues to grow, more polynucleotide injectables are added to the market almost daily. In this crowded market, one product line stands ahead of its competitors – VITARAN. Available exclusively from Fox Pharma, VITARAN is a revolutionary polynucleotide range, offering unparalleled results for your clients.

VITARAN is an injectable bio-revitaliser that is part of the polynucleotide family. Hailed as the latest innovation in aesthetics, VITARAN is a CE marked injectable intended to regenerate and repair the skin on a cellular level. Derived from 100% filtered fragments of trout DNA, VITARAN stimulates fibroblasts in the skin to aid in the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid for a rejuvenated appearance. From the skincare capital of the world, South Korea, VITARAN offers clients a natural solution to improve their skin on a deeper level and helps to prolong skin vitality and health.

With two products available in the range, VITARAN I and VITARAN II, these injectables are the world’s first 100%, quality-controlled polynucleotides and are an amazing option for your clients to address a host of concerns. Whilst both VITARAN I and VITARAN II share the same exceptional quality, they are specifically formulated for different areas of application. For example, VITARAN I is best suited for treating the delicate under-eye area, whilst VITARAN II is best tailored for use on other facial regions and the body.

How Long Do Polynucleotides Last?

Typically, clients can expect to see results from polynucleotide treatments in three to five weeks, however, this is subjective to each individual. For best results, you should advise your clients on a course of three to four treatments that should be spaced two to three weeks apart. Following a complete course of a polynucleotide treatment, full results should be visible around three months post-treatment.

By recommending your client undergo a series of treatments, you can ensure continued active stimulation of fibroblast production to maximise results.

Whilst every client will be different, you can typically observe visible results for six to 12 months, at which point top-up sessions every three to six months will be required to maintain results.

What Are Polynucleotide Benefits?

Polynucleotide treatments boast an impressive selection of benefits for your clients. They effectively turn back the clock on visible signs of ageing by rejuvenating the skin at a cellular level, leaving incredibly desirable results. These versatile injectables can be used to treat a wide range of perceived concerns on any skin type.

Different Polynucleotide Treatments for Your Clients

Polynucleotides can be used to treat a variety of perceived imperfections and concerns. In particular, they are capable of:

  • Evening skin tone and texture
  • Reducing lines and wrinkles
  • Treating hyperpigmentation
  • Treating sun damage
  • Reducing blemishes and acne scarring
  • Brightening the complexion
  • Minimising pores
  • Hydrating the skin
  • Reducing sagging skin

Polynucleotide Preparation and Aftercare

Polynucleotides are minimally invasive treatments that generally require little to no preparation. As with most injectables, it is best practice to advise your clients to avoid alcohol consumption and sun exposure prior to treatment. Alcohol consumption can cause the blood to thin, increasing the risk of bleeding and bruising, whilst sun exposure can cause sensitivity in the target area.

Following a polynucleotide treatment it is advised to continue avoiding alcohol and sun exposure, alongside exercise and other heat-inducing activities. Polynucleotide treatments involve injecting the skin, leaving open channels that need to heal. During this time bacteria from sweat can enter these microchannels, which can lead to infections and other undesirable side effects.

Assessing Clinical Suitability

It is important to always conduct a thorough consultation with your clients prior to treatment. This will afford you the opportunity to find out their skincare goals and current skin quality to ensure that they are best suited to a  polynucleotide treatment. If they are not, you should take this time to suggest an alternative aesthetic treatment to achieve the best results.

It is important to remember that polynucleotides are formulated from fish DNA, so are not suitable for vegans or vegetarians. 

Polynucleotide Side Effects

As polynucleotides are minimally invasive aesthetic treatments, potential side effects are few and far between. It is more likely that side effects will occur from injecting the skin rather than from the product itself. Typical polynucleotide side effects can include bruising, swelling, and redness, as can be expected with any form of injectable treatment. These potential side effects are far more likely to occur if improper injection techniques and protocols are not followed. However, more serious reactions, such as allergic reactions, can occur but are very rare.

How to Enhance Results for Your Clients

Whilst polynucleotides provide clients with transformative results, offering vitamin supplements can help achieve their skincare goals and maintain lasting radiance. Practitioners can buy HINNAO at Fox Pharma to stock in their clinic. These liposomal supplements offer a high absorption rate to deliver reliable anti-ageing results and support the immune system.

Register With Fox Pharma

Qualified aesthetic practitioners can register with Fox Pharma to gain access to an incredible selection of industry-leading brands and products and provide their clients with unparalleled results.

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