
Profile Balancing: A Guide for Practitioners

By Erin Murphy

Profile balancing is an increasingly trending aesthetic procedure that many clients are seeking. With the continued popularity of filtered selfies and self-filming through apps like TikTok, the want for the perfect profile from clients is steadily rising. As profile balancing can help to achieve the perfect facial harmony that many people desire, it’s not hard to see why this treatment is so in demand. Below, we detail what profile balancing is and which dermal fillers are best suited for providing this treatment. We also advise you on how to offer profile balancing with fillers for your clients.

What is Profile Balancing?

Profile balancing is a popular aesthetic trend that involves balancing facial features to create a symmetrical and cohesive profile. Some clients may feel insecure about an uneven facial profile, for example, a less pronounced chin may highlight the lips or nose in an uneven manner. For clients searching for a unified facial appearance, profile balancing is an excellent treatment that addresses the aesthetic concern of an asymmetrical profile.

This process is about achieving facial harmony rather than focusing on one particular area of the face. Profile balancing offers a holistic treatment for improving volume and definition from the hairline to the jawline. As a result, profile balancing is ideal for clients who are uncertain about which specific aesthetic concern they would like to target to improve their profile.

Offering a non-invasive alternative to plastic surgery, profile balancing with fillers provides facial augmentation without the need for intensive procedures. Similar to surgical procedures, dermal fillers  allows for the improvement of proportions, convexities, ratios, and projection, but with much less downtime and cost to the client.

Which Dermal Filler is Best for Profile Balancing?

Which Type of Filler is Best?

When carrying out a profile balancing treatment, the right dermal filler must be used to ensure clients are satisfied with their results. As a result, hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers are our most recommended choice, as these provide clients with instantaneous improvements. Other aesthetic products, such as PLLA stimulators, are less preferable for profile balancing because their results show slowly over time.

In addition, HA fillers are very easy to dissolve if an alteration is needed in the unlikely case of a complication or simply if the client no longer wishes to have dermal fillers. This makes profile balancing with fillers a lower risk option compared to  invasive cosmetic surgery.

Using REVOLAX for Profile Balancing

Choosing a quality dermal filler is essential for ensuring your clients see the results they desire. The Nation’s Favourite Dermal Filler, REVOLAX, is a superior quality line of HA dermal fillers which are ideal for use in profile balancing. REVOLAX is a CE-marked, class III medical line of injectables that have passed all stringent UK safety testing. The REVOLAX line features a cross-linked monophasic structure, which leads to long-lasting and natural looking results for your clients.

We recommend using a combination of REVOLAX Deep and REVOLAX Sub-Q, the two higher-density choices from the REVOLAX range and most suitable for facial sculpting. REVOLAX Deep’s volumising effects are best suited for the chin, cheeks, and lips. Meanwhile, REVOLAX Sub-Q is the thickest of the range, best suited for volumising the jawline, chin, cheeks, and nose. 

With the quality and density of these dermal fillers, clients will see profile balancing treatments using REVOLAX that last between 12 and 18 months.

Qualified practitioners can buy REXOLAX exclusively at Fox Pharma.


How to Provide Profile Balancing

Maintaining Harmony

As mentioned above, the process of profile balancing is focused on providing an even and symmetrical profile. Consequently, treatment should focus on targeting areas on the face to achieve even proportions with harmonised proportions from the side profile. The proportions of the chin, jawline, lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead should all be accounted for when providing this treatment. 

When providing profile balancing, you should first carefully assess which facial areas require treatment. The best methodology to do so is to assess the facial thirds, facial fifths, Ricketts’ line, and Frankfort plane. This allows the baseline assessment to be the same for each consultation.

When carrying out the procedure, you should be wary of common risks that would lead to an unmatched look, keeping the aim of a natural harmony a priority at all times. For example, you should especially take care when injecting the lower face, as already heavy areas such as the jowls should be avoided for a harmonised look. 

Using the Correct Equipment

The choice of tools you use is equally important, although each procedure can vary. Generally, a cannula is safer and more applicable for profile balancing, but a needle can be used when exercised with caution to inject small volumes using low extrusion force and pressure.

Setting Expectations

Importantly, you should manage the expectations of your clients, as this treatment does have its limitations depending on their pre-existing facial composition. So, you should neither overestimate nor underestimate the treatment’s results.

Profile Balancing Downtime

Dermal fillers have relatively minimal downtime. Clients may experience some bruising or swelling at the injection sites. However, this will normally subside within a few days. If looking for relief from this side effect, clients can apply a cold pack to the area. In the meantime, it is important that the injection sites aren’t touched and that makeup is avoided for at least 24 hours to allow the areas to heal naturally. 

Buy Dermal Filler at Fox Pharma

In summary, profile balancing is a trending treatment that is likely to sustain its popularity due to its overarching aesthetic benefits for clients. If you’re planning on providing this treatment in your clinic, using the premium dermal filler REVOLAX will allow you to provide profile balancing with filler with superior results for your clients.

You can buy REVOLAX and many other industry-leading aesthetic products online when you register with Fox Pharma. In addition to dermal fillers, you can find many other innovative treatments, such as skin boosters, polynucleotides, chemical peel products, and more, at unbelievable prices. If you’re looking for more industry insights and to hear the latest on new aesthetic trends, you can find much more on the Fox Pharma aesthetics blog. For any questions about REVOLAX or any of our other products, contact Fox Pharma today.

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