
Under Eye Chemical Peels: A Guide for Practitioners

By Erin Murphy

Under-eye chemical peels have grown in popularity in recent years as a reliable way to rejuvenate and brighten the under-eye area. They provide incredible results for those looking to reduce visible signs of ageing including fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation irregularities, and dark circles. However, being so delicate in nature, the skin under the eyes poses its own unique challenges with regard to chemical peels, meaning practitioners must exercise a great deal of caution when performing under-eye chemical peels.

This article will work as a guide to under-eye chemical peels for practitioners, providing valuable insights and best practice recommendations to ensure you have the techniques to complete safe and effective chemical peels. We will also highlight the benefits of SKINPROJECT EYE for dark circles under the eyes.

Understanding the Under-Eyes

The under-eyes are a common area of aesthetic concern in people looking to reduce signs of ageing. From dark circles to fine lines and wrinkles, people are increasingly searching for ways to brighten their under-eyes and restore a youthful glow to their faces. There is therefore incredible demand for treatments that rejuvenate the under-eyes. 

Chemical peels for dark circles under the eyes are an extremely effective way to achieve visible results in as little as a few days. It is however essential to understand the characteristics of under-eye skin to ensure safe and effective procedures.

The skin under the eyes is extremely delicate and thin – having minimal subcutaneous fat and high vascularity. These factors mean that chemical peel products under the eyes should be mild (or superficial) to reduce the risk of sensitivity or adverse reactions. This also means that extreme caution needs to be taken when applying the solution – avoiding contact with the eyes and not exceeding the recommended application time. 

SKINPROJECT EYE – Effective Chemical Peel

Under eye chemical peels are exfoliant solutions applied topically that remove the top, dead layers of skin cells. They work to reduce the appearance of ageing, even out skin tone, and brighten the affected area. Due to the strength of the exfoliant and the delicate nature of under-eye skin, responsible practitioners will choose an appropriate chemical peel for this area.

One such choice is the clinically backed SKINPROJECT NANOPEEL EYE. For total rejuvenation and a flawless under-eye, SKINPROJECT EYE causes increased skin flaking and cell replacement to leave your clients with unparalleled results and a youthful appearance. Completely unique in the market, SKINPROJECT EYE packs a punch to treat fine wrinkles, scars, sun or age spots, and hyperpigmentation, making it an extremely versatile product that addresses a range of aesthetic concerns.

And, to ensure correct, safe usage, when you buy SKINPROJECT from Fox Pharma you will receive 

a free informational video showing you best practice techniques to get the best results from our products.

SKINPROJECT EYE pink tube on a purple background


SKINPROJECT NANOPEEL EYE is a simple-to-apply, four-step treatment. For best results, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Cleanse the skin to remove excess oils and sebum build-up with SKINPROJECT NANOPEEL PREP.
  • Step 2 – Apply a thin layer of NANOPEEL EYE to the under-eyes, following the instructions on the leaflet. The product will begin to crystallise. Once the targeted area is crystalised, the peeling process is complete.
  • Step 3 – Use the NANOPEEL NEUTRALISING RED GEL to end the process and stop the frosting of the chemical peel. 
  • Step 4 – Nourish and relieve the skin with SKINPROJECT NANOPEEL NOURISH.


Before performing an under-eye chemical peel, it is necessary to understand your client’s skin type, medical history, and aesthetic goals – you may choose to do this at a prior consultation. With this information, you can ensure that your client is a suitable candidate for a chemical peel and that, most of all, it would be a safe treatment for them to have. Understanding your client’s skin allows you to choose a product that is most likely to work for them and leave them with the results they want.

At this stage, it is also crucial to ascertain whether or not your client has recently had any other aesthetic treatments that could interfere with an under-eye chemical peel, and ensure their skin is fully healed if so.

Skin Preparation

For optimal results and to ensure maximum safety, an under-eye chemical peel requires preparation from your client prior to their appointment. You should advise your clients on the following when they make their booking:

  • Wear SPF 30 or higher daily
  • Moisturise daily
  • Don’t wear makeup on the day of their appointment
  • Cease the use of retinoids at least a week prior to their appointment
  • Avoid sun exposure for at least 10 days before the appointment
  • Don’t use tanning beds or fake tan for two weeks before their peel
  • Don’t wax or shave for at least a day before their appointment
  • Don’t pick at, scratch, or irritate the skin in any way

It is important that your client follows these instructions to mitigate the risks of hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) and hypopigmentation (skin lightening).

Chemical Peels for Dark Circles Under-Eyes

Under-eye chemical peels are a fantastic way to revitalise, rejuvenate, and turn back the clock on ageing skin. However, with this area of the face being so delicate, it is essential that caution and correct procedures are taken to keep your clients safe. By adhering to proper client assessment, procedural techniques, and post-treatment care protocols outlined in this guide, practitioners can help their clients achieve the glow they’re been looking for. To ensure the best possible rejuvenative results for your clients, register with Fox Pharma today to shop the SKINPROJECT range.

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