
What Are The Three Stages of Ageing: A Guide for Aesthetic Practitioners and Their Clients

By Florence Goulbourne

Ageing is a huge conversation in the aesthetic scene, and rightly so, as it’s a top concern for those patients seeking aesthetic treatments. However, delving deeper into the science of ageing reveals that it is a much more complex, multi-modal process characterised by three distinct stages. In this article, we will explore the three stages of ageing and reveal how aesthetic practitioners can play a pivotal role in addressing the concerns associated with each stage. Understanding these stages as a practitioner can pave the way for a more informed and tailored approach to anti-ageing interventions.

The Three Stages of Ageing Explained

As per popular conception, there are three stages of ageing that can be identified as young/early adulthood, late middle age, and old age. These phases typically occur at around ages 34, 60, and 78 respectively. Understanding these stages can help us comprehend the aesthetic changes that happen during the ageing process.

Early Adulthood

This initial stage, spanning from the late teens to the 30s or 40s, is a period where individuals typically enjoy the pinnacle of their physical health. Cultural standards of beauty often place emphasis on youth-associated features such as smooth skin, vibrant hair, and an overall appearance of vitality. However, signs of ageing can subtly emerge as early as the mid-twenties, with the skin losing elasticity and fine lines making their debut. Notably, nose-to-mouth lines may become more apparent, prompting individuals to consider aesthetic treatments to address these changes.

Late Middle Age

Characterised by a blend of physical and psychological changes, late middle age (typically in the 50s and 60s) introduces a more noticeable ageing process. Muscle mass, bone density, and skin elasticity may gradually decline, leading to the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles. Some individuals may opt for aesthetic interventions to address the visible signs of ageing. 

Old Age

The stage of old age, starting in the 60s or 70s and continuing until the end of life, brings forth further physical and cognitive changes. Aesthetic considerations take on a broader perspective, acknowledging the impact of genetics, lifestyle choices, and access to healthcare on the ageing process. At this stage, there is a growing movement towards embracing natural ageing.

It’s important to note that these stages are generalisations, and individual patients may experience ageing differently based on factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. Additionally, advancements in healthcare, aesthetic/cosmetic and lifestyle choices can impact the ageing process, and not everyone will follow the same trajectory. So how can you help your patients tackle their ageing concerns?

Prevention is Key

The first stage of combatting ageing for your patients is prevention, and it’s never too early to start. As aesthetic practitioners, guiding clients through preventative measures becomes of paramount importance as they age. Educating them on the significance of a robust skincare routine, protection against environmental factors, and adopting a healthy lifestyle lays the foundation for graceful ageing. Moreover, taking a proactive approach, preventive treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections offer an excellent non-surgical solution for individuals seeking to address the inevitable emergence of fine lines and wrinkles that accompany the ageing process. Beyond this, other aesthetic interventions like PLLA stimulators play a crucial role in restoring gradual volume to the face, counteracting the effects of ageing that lead to volume loss. These treatments work harmoniously to complement each other by not only targeting the visible signs of ageing but also addressing subtler indications such as the gradual loss of facial volume, providing a comprehensive aesthetic solution to the three signs of ageing.

Maintenance and Rejuvenation

As individuals transition into the secondary stage of ageing, for many, the focus shifts towards maintenance and rejuvenation. Fine lines may evolve into deep-set wrinkles, and volume loss becomes more noticeable. Aesthetic practitioners can offer an array of treatments tailored to address these concerns. Dermal filler treatments combined with skin booster treatments, such as REVOLAX and Seventy Hyal 2000, offer a bespoke combination treatment to help restore lost volume whilst also rejuvenating the skin – helping to combat the visible signs of ageing. Additionally, customised skincare plans that incorporate medical-grade products like cosmeceuticals can enhance and prolong the effects of aesthetic treatments by taking a skin-centred approach. As an aesthetic practitioner, you should encourage your patients to also embrace a holistic approach by combining aesthetic treatments with a consistent at-home skincare routine, and potentially supplements if it marries with their concerns. Also, stress the importance of regular check-ins to adapt treatments as their skin evolves through the three stages of ageing.

Restoration and Transformation

The third stage of ageing is marked by more advanced signs, including deep wrinkles, complete volume depletion, skin laxity and texture. For many patients facing these issues, aesthetic practitioners are instrumental in offering transformative solutions to help address their concerns. At this stage, combination treatments are often the most beneficial of treatments as they address various issues. Polynucleotide treatments have also risen in popularity to address signs of ageing – hailed for their ability to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin. Although similar to skin boosters, polynucleotide injectables are separated and well-recognised for their complex structures and ability to rejuvenate the skin with a natural result. However, at this stage of ageing, it’s important for practitioners to make their patient’s aware that surgical interventions like facelifts or neck lifts may be considered if aesthetic treatments are not suitable. 

The Takeaway

In the ever-evolving landscape of aesthetics, understanding the three stages of ageing is crucial for both practitioners and clients. By acknowledging the importance of prevention, embracing maintenance and rejuvenation, and considering restoration options where necessary, aesthetic professionals 

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