
Why You Should Offer Seventy Hyal In Your Clinic

By Florence Goulbourne

After Seventy Hyal’s successful launch in February 2022, the Next Generation Skin Booster has since been disrupting the market with its innovative approach to skin rejuvenation. With Seventy Hyal 2000 making its mark in the industry, we are here to answer all your questions on why this skin booster is the next best thing in injectable skincare. 

What makes Seventy Hyal 2000 different to other skin boosters

What makes Seventy Hyal 2000 different to other skin boosters? 

Aside from Seventy Hyal’s impressive results, the innovative skin booster also provides incredible benefits for practitioners beyond glowing skin.

For example, in comparison to other skin boosters available on the market, Seventy Hyal 2000 has a high molecular weight of Hyaluronic Acid (>2000kDa) in contrast to the popular ‘P’ skin booster that has a lower molecular weight of Hyaluronic Acid (1100-1400Kda). Higher molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid sits closer to the surface of the skin which means results are visibly better in comparison to lower molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid as this penetrates and sits deep into the skin. Furthermore, a high molecular weight of Hyaluronic Acid delivers immediate and intensive hydration to the surface layers of the skin for an instant soothing and firming effect – therefore making Seventy Hyal 2000 perfect for that pre-show glow. 

Moreover, a single box of Seventy Hyal 2000 contains 3 pre-filled syringes. Each syringe is singularly sealed and contains 30mg/2ml (90mg in total). This makes Seventy Hyal one of the best ml to cost ratios on the current skin booster market; this can cover a course of three treatments. On the other hand, a box of the ‘P’ skin booster contains 1 pre-filled syringe totalling 32 mg, a 64% Hyaluronic Acid decrease when comparing the two skin boosters.

How much product is needed per treatment? 

One box of Seventy Hyal contains 3-prefilled syringes, however you will not need to use the full 6ml to achieve amazing results.On average, 2ml is used for each treatment area. Therefore, the full box should ideally complete the client’s full treatment course of three treatment sessions.For example, 2ml on the first appointment, 2ml on the second appointment and 2ml on the 3rd and final appointment. If you are treating multiple areas i.e., face, neck, and hands you may be required to use more than 2ml.

How deep should you inject? 

Seventy Hyal is intended for injection into the superficial/mid-dermis for the best and most effective results.

Seventy Hyal box on a pink background with water flowing behind it
Seventy Hyal 2000-The Next Generation Skin Booster

Can Seventy Hyal 2000 be used for the lips? 

Interestingly, Seventy Hyal is the perfect all-rounder and can be used for the lips. When injected into the lips, Seventy Hyal does not work to add volume and lift like traditional dermal fillers – it primarily works to add moisture and hydrate the lips, and temporarily add a little extra plumpness. Dr Mark Gorman, leading surgeon, and Harley Street aesthetic doctor, gave his recommended protocol when treating the lips with Seventy Hyal 2000 stating: “When injecting Seventy Hyal 2000 into the lips, I would suggest injecting 3 x 0.1ml retrograde threads into each quarter of the lip. Be sure to inject superficially, horizontally in line with the muco-cutaneous line or wet-dry border. This is the mid part of the lip where the wet mucosa meets the dry mucosa. “ 

He also gave our practitioners some master tips including changing the needle for each half of the lip to ensure the needle stays sharp and to also stretch the lips taut prior to each injection.  One of our practitioners who injected Seventy Hyal into the lips quoted: “After injecting Seventy Hyal into my lips as an injectable lip balm, my lips feel soft and moisturised with no lip balm on. You can visibly see in my lips how moisturised, plump, and soft they look. I did not want to change my shape or add volume to the lip and Seventy Hyal was injected purely to moisturise with slight plump.” 

Can Seventy Hyal 2000 be used via the Bap Technique?

One of the greatest benefits of Seventy Hyal is that the skin booster has a versatile injection protocol. Multiple methods of injection can be used including the BAP technique and so, the great news is you do not need specific training in Seventy Hyal to purchase. If you are qualified in skin boosters/dermal fillers, you can purchase the product as the techniques are transferrable when completing a Seventy Hyal treatment. 

You can also learn more about the BAP technique in our Fox Pharma blog, here.  

Who is Seventy Hyal suitable for?

The amazing thing about skin boosters, particularly Seventy Hyal, is that they are the perfect tweakment for a range of ages. Providing the patient is over 18-years old, anyone from 18 to 80 upwards is suitable for a treatment with Seventy Hyal 2000 for gorgeous, glowing skin.   Seventy Hyal works effectively on an array of skin types and perceived flaws to achieve various skin objectives including reducing or preventing the appearance of fine lines.    To prove this, we have obtained some impressive before and afters from two age categories (image A is a 24-year-old female, image B is a 62-year-old female). 

Can Seventy Hyal 2000 be injected into the forehead? 

Seventy Hyal can be injected into the forehead although this is less common. When treating the forehead, there are a couple of options.   The first option is to draw an approximate 2 x 2cm grid around the forehead and place small boluses of the product superficially in the dermis.   There is a small number of reported cases of vascular occlusion with equivalent products, so we would suggest aspirating towards the centre where the supratrochlear artery is. On the other hand, you may use a cannular inserted laterally to place product in linear threading fashion within the forehead. 

Can Seventy Hyal 2000 cause vascular occlusion?

Vascular occlusions occur due to compression of/or injecting into a vessel. Seventy Hyal can cause vascular occlusion but only if injecting incorrectly – it is very safe, and impossible to do so if you follow the injection technique we have provided, sourced from lead surgeon Dr Mark Gorman. Firstly, as you need to use a small 30-gauge needle (or potentially cannula for some areas), aspiration is not reliable, and we would not recommend it. With a 30 gauge it is unlikely you will draw back blood reliably. Moreover, with Seventy Hyal 2000, it is very unlikely that upon injecting you will compress the vessels as Seventy Hyal is much thinner than the general Hyaluronic Acid (HA) dermal filler despite Seventy Hyal being thicker than most skin boosters. Unless you inject bolus large volumes in one spot, which we would never suggest anyway, then it is impossible to compress the vessels. 

Our suggested technique is linear retrograde threads, using one of two techniques. One technique is the fan technique where the needle remains within the dermis. By following this injection procedure, you cannot cause a vascular occlusion as the vessels that you are trying to avoid are just below and deeper to this. We suggest you use the fan technique exclusively in areas where you have more superficial vessels that you want to avoid for example, where vessels travel more superficially in the fat layer such as is the nasolabial area. The other technique to use is the dual plane technique. This technique includes inserting the needle vertically through the dermis and popping just into the fat layer or the deep part of the dermis, respectively. You again inject in a retrograde fashion as you withdraw the needle, just like with the fan technique. The differences with the fan technique is that the retrograde thread is all in the same horizontal plane within the middle part of the dermis. With the dual plane technique however, you may deposit a small amount in the very superficial part of the fat layer, then in a deep dermis followed by the more superficial dermis as you withdraw the needle. This technique is great for the cheeks and neck but less so effective on the nasolabial area and around the eyes.  

To summarise, Seventy Hyal 2000 is too thin to cause compression to vessels and the only theoretical way this could occur is if you were to bolus large volumes in one spot. Furthermore, regarding injection protocol, you can use the fan technique everywhere except the eyes to be safe, where instead you should use single retrograde linear threads.  

The dual plane technique is great for the cheeks and neck, but we would not recommend it for the nasolabial area as here, the facial artery (especially at the base of the nose) runs more superficially. 

Overall, there is an incredibly positive atmosphere and shift surrounding skin boosters – especially Seventy Hyal 2000 which is why now it is the perfect time to add the next best thing in injectable skincare to your roster. 

Shop Seventy Hyal 2000, here at  Fox Pharma.  

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